Saturday, May 14, 2022

Kilndelve Campaign: Session 2

 April 5-6, Caudex Annales, 71 AUP

The party took a day and a half to travel to the gates of Kilndelve, the long-abandoned and goblin-infested dwarven fortress in the mountains. The road was narrow and poorly maintained after decades of neglect, and wagons needed to travel single file as trees encroached along the path.

As the convoy passed through a narrow choke in the forest, the trees themselves seemed to come alive as two strange constructs made of rotting vegetation came alive and moved to destroy the wagons. These necrotic shamblers were not exactly undead, but clearly their presence reflected the effect of some kind of unnatural energy in the region, either from the undead or from the occupiers of Kilndelve. The party struggled against the nightmarishly powerful shamblers before the dwarven leadership realized the threat and moved from the front the caravan to reinforce the party. While camping overnight to recover from injury, the party heard a sizable patrolling team of ogres, which Wendy lured away using aural misdirection tricks in raven form.

The party sent an aerial scouting force to the massive main gate, a 90-foot tall stonewrought monument. The bridge was pulled back by some sophisticated mechanism and inaccessible by foot, but several knotted ropes crossed the gap and would allow a brave climber to scramble across above the ravine and exposed rapids over 200 feet blow. Flying close to the eyes of the monument revealed arrow slits capable of passing a ballista bolt, as well as faint voices in the Saurian language (a patois of draconic and lizardman), but no obvious entrance that could be opened from the outside

The party advanced up the alternative path toward the "back door", a tunnel entrance buried under rubble that led to an upstream portion of the same underground river running under Kilndelve and out through the ravine. After a hard day of digging by dozens of workers, the doorway was cleared. (Fortunately, the elaborate riddle-lock intended to seal the door had never been completed due to the dragon attack that had produced the rubble in the first place.)

After a final "last chance to turn back" speech from Nick Grimrigg, the party descended down the long dark passage to the twisting river-caverns below.

  • Iulius Dubthach, 4th-level Nobiran monk (Andrew)
  • Holly Steel, 5th-level bright cleric (Kyle)
  • Robin Renaldee, son of Lucien, 5th-level sword master (Kim)
  • Rena Arden, 5th-level illusionist (Will)
  •  (Reba)
Mercenaries, followers, hirelings, riffraff, etc:
  • Jorgen Cragback, 2nd-level dwarven fury
  • Martin Cain, chanter
  • Knock
  • Wendy Usagi, 4th-level talking-raven-that-definitely-isn't-a-druid
Followers left back at refugee camp to contribute to maintenance/defense:
  • Slade Harlow, 1st-level fighter
  • Pertinax, a mule
  • Uncle Harold the ape

None, though the shamblers did substantial damage




Killed: 2x necrotic shambler [3200]

Total experience from kills: 3200 xp
Total experience: 3200 xp

Total experience per member: 457 xp

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Kilndelve Campaign: Session 1

 April 4, Caudex Annales, 71 AUP

You were a searching for adventure… until adventure came to you. After several weeks in the hills adventuring outside Kargau, you returned to the small dwarven town only to find it ruined and smothered under a sheet of frozen ice. The once bright tavern was empty, the door hanging by a single hinge. The shops were vacant and neglected. Everywhere there were signs of a terrible battle, bloodstains and broken weapons, but no bodies – and surely none could be buried beneath such frozen earth.

Two types of footprints led away. One great set turned to the east higher into the mountains, moving as a company. The other type was disorganized and led in every direction, with stumbling and dragging gaits that hardly even looked human. Even more alarming, every grave in the town had been exhumed, by all appearances by being dug out from the inside.

After two days of following the more organized tracks the cold weather seemed to lessen despite the rising altitude, and in the distance you could see a thin trail of smoke rising from the pinewood trees. You climbed to the top of a hill to get a better look and to take a short rest. Between the trees were the small silhouettes of tents and human figures moving about. With great excitement you pointed at the distant figures, no more than a quarter mile away. But a shuffling noise from the base of the hill let you know you had been followed and were no longer alone...

Returning to the dwarven town of Kargau (after unspecified prior adventures that raised them all to 5th level or so), the adventuring party discovered the city buried by an unseasonably late blizzard and deserted of all life. The party followed a dense trail of human-looking tracks east and up into the mountains, through forested terrain. The weather mysteriously grew warmer rather than colder at altitude.
Within visual range of a camp with lit fires, the party was attacked by a pursuing host: a mummy, a mounted dwarven wight, and ten zombies with frozen (and highly durable) flesh. They were just barely dispatched after a fierce battle, and all seemed lost as a second throng of zombies wandered over the crest of a nearby hill. But they were themselves being pursued by riders from the camp, and were quickly dispatched by a volley of arrows.
The party was invited to take shelter and counsel at the Kargau refugee camp, a sprawling collection of tents and stakes where hundreds of survivors were huddled together, protected by a mixed force of dwarven crossbows and human spearman. Their leader was Darby Stoutcrank, a human arbalester who invited them to visit him in his tent. He requested their help to maintain and manage the camp under periodic assault from the undead, but also to find a way to escape into the mountains. He spoke of a long-abandoned dwarven fortress high in the mountains that guarded a pass into a secret valley, the site of an ancient dwarven center of industry and commerce, Kilndelve. He also mentioned several other inhabitants of the campsite, including a gnomish alchemist with his own interests in the fortress and an expedition of dwarves who had traveled from a distant land to reclaim their homeland (and the artifacts and wealth within).

The party met with the alchemist, Skafi, who requested (in a roundabout way) that they help him "research his book" by returning with samples from the fortress. The book was about slimes and oozes, and he said that recovering even small amounts of slime and ooze for analysis would be useful to him. Apparently the fortress slimes were subject to an unusually high rate of mutation due to the nearby dwarven mining facility, which at the time of original habitation was uniquely a source of strange glowing 'poisonrock'.

  • Iulius Dubthach, 4th-level Nobiran monk (Andrew)
  • Holly Steel, 5th-level bright cleric (Kyle)
  • Robin Renaldee, son of Lucien, 5th-level sword master (Kim)
  • Rena Arden, 5th-level illusionist (Will)
  • Frigodria (Reba)
Mercenaries, followers, hirelings, riffraff, etc:
  • Jorgen Cragback, 2nd-level dwarven fury
  • Slade Harlow, 1st-level fighter
  • Pertinax, a mule (animal kind)
  • Martin Cain, chanter
  • Knock, um, another mule I guess idn??
  • Wendy Usagi, 4th-level talking-raven-that-definitely-isn't-a-druid



None, since the party decided to burn the horrid-looking unholy symbol dropped by the frog-ish mummy.

Killed: tsathar mummy [460], dwarven wight [80], zombie dire wolf [460], 10x ice zombie [10x65=650]

Total experience from kills: 1650 xp
Total experience: 1650 xp

Total experience per member: 236 xp
(1/2 share = 118 xp for henchmen)

Timberlands Campaign: Session 18

This was the final session before Covid, and it involved the party joining a dwarven expedition to liberate the lost city of Kilndelve and traveling overland through undead-infested lands. I'm mentioning it here for posterity, since the planned Kilndelve campaign went on hiatus for the next couple year until restarting with a fresh roster of heroes.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Timberlands Campaign, Sessions 16 & 17: Big Fish in a Small Dungeon

March 2, Caudex Annales, 71 AUP

The party once again discovered that the dungeon tunnels were flooded. This time, though, the control station was just beyond. Releasing the auxiliary control lock-out back to Wainskirtle allowed the dungeon to be drained. Jeeves stayed back at the control station to keep in contact, while the rest of the party advanced into the final chamber. Sensors in the primary control station indicated "unusual levels of extraplanar activity" in the area.

Aside from a small entry ledge, the room had no floor. Instead, the entire floor was effectively a portal to the Elemental Plane of Water. The infinite ocean beyond was murky with depth and dimly illuminated, but something far below with too many tentacles to be a standard fish was staring back out of the abyss. In both corners of the ledge, chuul guards waited for the signal to scuttle forward to the attack. A host of slimy-skinned humanoids, transformed thralls of the aberration, floated just below the waves. The aboleth used its innate telepathy to initiate conversation with the party, informing them that they were merely pawns of more powerful forces manipulating the Tower. Only by allying with the aboleth could the Tower be preserved against the dreadful threats gathering against the region.

Jeeves reported that the Chancellor and his trolls were advancing through the dungeon, creating a sense of urgency in the conversation. The party pondered the possibility of turning against the chancellor by flooding the tunnels again, much to the delight of the aboleth. It offered immortality in exchange for the alliance, assuring the party that even slavery (to the winning side, of course) was a far better fate than a cursed existence among the undead. A slightly better sales pitch might have carried the day (weighed against the obviously dubious character of the Chancellor!), but apparently the idea of an eternity of aquatic servitude wasn't quite sufficient tempting. Instead, the party steeled itself for battle.

At first the situation seemed promising, as a wave of enthralled skum were cut down by powerful arcane magics. But then from behind the party, a powerful ambush force of drow dropped in the astral plane behind the party's spellcasters, along with a beholder sorcerous sphere, a marilith, and a vaguely familiar mind flayer. The aboleth chuckled (or some psionic equivalent thereof) and demanded surrender. Instead, the party moved to intercept the new attackers. Viserion, reasoning that this was a sufficiently dire situation to be worth trading the last vestiges of virtue in his soul for the power of an artifact, donned the Iron Crown to claim its power.

Viserion charged the mind flayer (fortunately responding fast enough to prevent any psychic mindslave nonsense), but took a polymorph eyebeam form the sorcerous sphere in exchange and promptly found himself transformed into an unhappy lemming dropped into a bottomless ocean. (Note: Rolled this saving throw three times. Came up a "1" every time!) The party had little time to intercept the ridiculously large number of drow blades from behind, but fortunately the chancellor and his dire trolls burst into the hallway just in time to pin them down from behind, chopping through the back ranks of surprised drow on the way to the marilith. After a few rounds of brutal hand-to-hand fighting, the party was down one dragon but otherwise victorious.

The aboleth seized the unhappy lemming (who was wearing a miniaturized version of the Iron Crown of the Sorcerer Kings, which apparently couldn't be completely abosorbed by the polymorph), with obvious intent of converting it into some kind of abominable immortal-dragon-lemming-slimeskin-mindslave, and beat a hasty retreat into the depths. Thinking quickly, Zelmar used a short-range teleport to catch it from behind and grapple away the mind-controlled rodent. The aboleth briefly gave chase, but quickly realized it was overmatched by the party and turned around for another retreat... but too late.

The party elected to eliminate the whole "evil lemming dragon god" problem by tossing both the crown and the lemming into a bag of devouring, but kept a single dragon scale in case they changed their minds.

  • Zelmar Krackiss, lizard-in-disguise (Andrew)
    • Edward Sir Dame Winsley, 5th-level dandy mystic
    • Jeeves, 1st-level butler-paladin
    • Anatolia
  • Frigodria Dawnbringer, 5th-level paladin (Reba)
  • Grurdev Onyxvault, 5th-level dwarven lightbearer (Sion)
    • Need to check about henchmen here also (two, I think)...
  • Viserion, 5th-level young white dragon (Zac)
    • Adonirim, 3rd-level mage
  • Shayna, 6th-level shaman (Kim)
  • a powerful new arcane caster (Kyle)
  • Saltbeard, dwarven pirate (Trefor)
  • Will's character
Mercenaries and followers:
  • Aksel Steelheart, 9th-level vaultlord
  • 10 dwarven lieutenants:
    • 4 5th-level vaultguards
    • 3 4th-level vaultguards
    • 2 3rd-level vaultgaurds
    • 2nd-level vaultguard
  • 18 fire dwarf infantry
  • ~ 90 light-infantry pirate survivors from the defeat of the Charybdis crew in the Saberstrath campaign
Not appearing in this adventure, but potentially available now that everyone is back in the area:
  • Ur khla lu khbea, 4th-level gladiator (Jonathan)
  • The very young white dragon, Namazu, reporting back on the frost giants
  • Sir Rock Boulder Fist, dwarven 5th-level summoner
  • Sir Robin (sounds retired, according to Kim)

Viserion, transformed by an eyebeam into a lemming and drowned on the elemental plane of water, then completely destroyed along with the Iron Crown of the Sorcerer Kings using a bag of devouring.

Saltbeard, who wasn't injured but decided that he was outta there and promptly exited the dungeon by the quickest route.

Will's character was cut down by a chuul as well.


  • 8 jars of lamp oil, worth 20 gp each and weighing 6 stone per jar.
  • 3 jars of dyes and pigments, worth 50 gp each and weighing 5 stone each.
  • 60 animal horns worth 2 gp each, weighing 2 stone per 5 horns.
  • 2 jars of dyes and pigments, worth 50 gp each and weighing 5 stone each.
  • 2 thousand silver pieces.
  • 3 barrels of fine spirits or liquor, worth 200 gp each and weighing 16 stone each.
  • 4 barrels of fine spirits or liquor, worth 200 gp each and weighing 16 stone each.
  • 1 crates of glassware, worth 200 gp each and weighing 5 stone each.
  • 2 thousand electrum pieces.
  • 3 carcass scavenger carcasses, totaling 21 hit dice and weighing 1 stone per HD. Their values are: 900, 280, 350
  • 5 bee, killer giant carcasses, totaling 32 hit dice and weighing 1 stone per HD. Their values are: 640, 800, 420, 350, 120
  • 3 thousand gold pieces.
  • 50 GP crystal.
  • 75 GP sardonyx.
  • 50 GP citrine.
  • 50 GP crystal.
  • 25 GP lapis lazuli.
  • 25 GP agate.
  • 25 GP lapis lazuli.
  • 50 GP moonstone.
  • 25 GP tiger eye.
  • 50 GP citrine.
  • 50 GP onyx.
  • 50 GP crystal.
  • 10 GP malachite.
  • 25 GP turquoise.
  • 25 GP tiger eye.
  • 25 GP agate.
  • 25 GP tiger eye.
  • 50 GP onyx.
  • 50 GP crystal.
  • 75 GP chalcedony.
  • 25 GP turquoise.
  • 25 GP turquoise.
  • 25 GP tiger eye.
  • 25 GP agate.
  • 25 GP tiger eye.
  • 50 GP bloodstone.
  • 25 GP tiger eye.
  • A piece of jewelry constructed from ivory worth 600 GP.
  • A piece of jewelry constructed from wrought copper worth 110 GP.
  • A piece of jewelry constructed from carved jade worth 1200 GP.
  • A piece of jewelry constructed from chryselephantine worth 900 GP.
  • A piece of jewelry constructed from ivory worth 900 GP.
  • A piece of jewelry constructed from fine wood worth 600 GP.
  • A piece of jewelry constructed from porcelain worth 600 GP.

The total value of this hoard (excluding any magic) is 16110 gp and its total weight is 274 stone.

  • 18 pieces of fine ivory, weighing 1 stone per 100 GP value.
  • Their values are: 4, 80, 48, 73, 95, 81, 99, 20, 27, 6, 78, 63, 13, 50, 32, 96, 58, 74
  • The total value is: 997 and the average value is 55.
  • 3 crates of fine porcelain, worth 500 gp each and weighing 2 stone each.
  • 2 thousand gold pieces.
  • 6 opal cameo portraits and intaglio erotic tableux, each worth 800 gp.
  • 8000 GP flawless facet cut diamond.
  • 4000 GP flawless diamond.
  • 6000 GP facet cut star sapphire.
  • A piece of jewelry constructed from chryselephantine worth 800 GP.
  • A piece of jewelry constructed from wrought orichalcum worth 3000 GP.
  • A piece of jewelry constructed from wrought platinum worth 1000 GP.
  • A piece of jewelry constructed from silver studded with turquoise worth 1000 GP.

The total value of this hoard (excluding any magic) is 33097 gp and its total weight is 17 stone.

  • 3 thousand platinum pieces.
  • A piece of jewelry constructed from gold studded with ruby worth 5000 GP.
The total value of this hoard (excluding any magic) is 20000 gp and its total weight is 3 stone.
  • 2 ornamental jars of rare spices, worth 2500 gp each and weighing 4 stone each.
  • 48 typical fur capes, worth 100 gp each and weighing 1 stone each.
  • 2 thousand platinum pieces.
The total value of this hoard (excluding any magic) is 19800 gp and its total weight is 58 stone.
  • 6000 GP facet cut star ruby.
  • 8000 GP flawless facet cut diamond.

The total value of this hoard (excluding any magic) is 14000 gp and its total weight is 0 stone.

Total treasure value: 103,007 gp 
Total treasure value per member (7 shares): 14715.3 gp

Note: I think only four players (Reba, Sion, Andrew, and maybe Kyle) have continuing characters, but I'm still giving the retiring characters from previous sessions (including Jonathan, who missed the final night) a share of the treasure. I guess technically you could cut the missing/quitting characters out... but even if so, you'd only split their shares, not get any more experience from them.

Magical Items (easily ID'd by the Tower)
  • The totally unreadable private journal of... probably Eldred, judging from the creepy cover
  • Potion of Dragon Control
  • A scroll with the following spells: Speak with Dead, Permanent Illusion, Curse of Swine, Silent Step, Dismember, Haste
  • A scroll of the following type: Ward against Magic
  • A scroll with the following spells: Charm Monster
  • ... and a treasure map

Killed: skittering maw [1600], marid [3900], 2 intellect devourers [2x980=1960], 6 chuul [6x3400=20,400], 10 skum [350], 5 drow 3rd-level fighters [400], 1 drow 5th-level lieutenant [500], 1 drow 7th-level priestess [1490], Lady Vysh, a marilith [2500], Brzzt-Kosh, a sorcerous sphere [4800], Molyg the Polyp, a mind flayer [1600], Brasyphylactis, an aboleth [2600]
Total:  42,100 xp

Total experience from treasure: 103,007 xp
Total experience from kills: 42,100 xp
Total experience from exploration: 0 xp
Total experience: 145,107 xp
Total experience per member: 20,730 xp

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Timberlands Campaign, Session 15: It's A Recap!

March 2, Caudex Annales, 71 AUP
The party regrouped in the idol chamber, descending one at a time through the trap door above. The choices were forward into the chamber with the recently-expired leeches, or backward into the room with the intellect devourer. Everyone felt curious enough about the latter direction to backtrack, but moved carefully through the room with the half-dozen odd nozzle fixtures in the walls, sensing a trap. Walking through the room one at a time didn't seem to set anything off, however.

The room beyond was full of dead rats, the aftermath of the swarm used to drive off the intellect devourer. (The massively powerful fire elemental warrior had dispatched it with a single blow upon entering.) The room didn't "detect" as a trap in any formal sense (i.e., a trigger), but the presence of multiple pipes, valves, and faucet apertures around the perimeter left little doubt that it was intended to be flooded and drained in a controlled way.

Sure enough, the moment everyone was inside the room, the heavy entry door sung shut. Shayna made a dash for the entrance in bird form, but was caught inside even as the door slammed over one wing, pinning her in place. The room rapidly began to fill as water poured from the pipes.

Drainage issues are a common dungeon design problem.
The dwarves attempted to bash through the bulkhead of stone, while Brand the elemental warrior pushed into the room beyond. The dungeon-bashing attempt made some moderate progress (a small exit hole that allowed a single person to crawl through at once), but the unoccupied far-corner room turned out to present a bigger problem -- the enormous vaulted ceiling was a starfield of unfamiliar constellations enchanted with some kind of ritual magic, and disembodied chanting in an ancient language echoed from the walls. Brand entered and promptly went insane, charging back to attack his own party (with all his ridiculous damage output).

The entire party took down the enraged newcomer, fortunately with no casualties, but unfortunately only after lots of fire-generated steam had turned the room into a sauna above, and the culintary equivalent of hot rat-carcass soup below. At that point, however, the increasingly flooded room filled with strange fog, and the party realized they were not alone. A detection spell reveled the presence of a towering water elemental (in actual fact, a marid in wave-form). Effectively blinded by the obscuring fog, the party staggered around through waist-deep water in an attempt to defeat the creature and/or shut off the water valves. The elemental was quickly cut down to size by dragon-breath, and the closing valves gradually reduced the flood to a trickle.

At the conclusion of the battle, the party backtracked toward the other direction (but only after the dwarves had set off the acid gas trap in the room beyond!) The leech room was drained using a bag of devouring (wait, why didn't they just use that in the first place?!?), and the party detected some kind of illusion-magic altering the apparently smooth appearance of the bare walls. Closer inspection revealed hidden alcoves containing more lurking chuul ambusers! The creatures put up fierce resistance, leaving the party worn and exhausted -- and wondering who would go through so much trouble to transform the lower levels into an overengineered deathpit, and why!

  • Edward Sir Dame Winsley, 5th-level dandy mystic (Andrew)
    • Jeeves, 1st-level butler-paladin
    • Zelmar
    • Anatolia
  • Frigodria Dawnbringer, 5th-level paladin (Reba)
  • Insanely OP flaming slayer demigod Brand (Kyle)
  • Grurdev Onyxvault, 5th-level dwarven lightbearer (Sion)
    • Need to check about henchmen here also (two, I think)...
  • Viserion, 5th-level young white dragon (Zac)
    • Adonirim, 3rd-level mage
  • Shayna, 6th-level shaman (Kim)
  • Saltbeard, dwarven pirate (Trefor)
Mercenaries and followers:
  • Aksel Steelheart, 9th-level vaultlord
  • 10 dwarven lieutenants:
    • 4 5th-level vaultguards
    • 3 4th-level vaultguards
    • 2 3rd-level vaultgaurds
    • 2nd-level vaultguard
  • 18 fire dwarf infantry
  • ~ 90 light-infantry pirate survivors from the defeat of the Charybdis crew in the Saberstrath campaign
Not appearing in this adventure, but potentially available now that everyone is back in the area:
  • Ur khla lu khbea, 4th-level gladiator (Jonathan)
  • The very young white dragon, Namazu, reporting back on the frost giants
  • Sir Rock Boulder Fist, dwarven 5th-level summoner
  • Sir Robin
Retiring, unless they somehow resurface:
  • Zalgesh
  • Jarrus Velt, 5th-level thief
  • Thorvald, 6th-level spy (Zac's Mom's PC, not a henchman)
  • Togast, 6th-level skinscribe (Juston is happily married)
  • Tu'a'than, 5th level spriggan

Brand the overpowered fire elemental, put down by the rest of the party under influence of madness

To be continued, treasure/experience when if you're ever finally out...

Friday, August 2, 2019

Timberlands Campaign, Session 13: Duelling Club

March 2, Caudex Annales, 71 AUP

This is a short placeholder for the session right before my vacation which I never wrote up. The short version is that Viserion got into the White Tower with the Chancellor, the tower went into a security lockdown, and a state of open battle broke out between forces loyal to the Chancellor (including his personal dire troll detail) and forces contolled by the Unspecified Evil Entity.

Or maybe all of them were just in such a deep state of paranoia that they started fighting one another spontaneously for no reason at all. It was hard to tell. Regardless, after a protracted wand battle with a bunch of apprentices, everyone eventually took shelter in Master Wainskirtle's office and opted to return to the dungeon on his advisement, rather than participate further in the fear-driven guerrilla warfare in the hallways.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Timberlands Campaign, Session 14: The Monsters That The Monsters Are Afraid Of

March 2, Caudex Annales, 71 AUP
After regrouping, the party pushed farther into the depths of the White Tower Academy dungeons. The upper level control stations had been locked out, making it inevitable that the only solution to the infestation of water-planar creatures in the depths would only be eradicated by a frontal assault. The party elected to split into two groups, with the amphibious lizardmen exploring ahead to find and unlock the local control station, returning permissions to Master Wainskirtle in the control room above, while everyone else waited.

Of course the waiting members soon become bored, and wandered upstairs (and directly into a
purple-worm ambush!) to investigate the trolls who had been described as living on the fifth level. They were conspicuously absent from their chambers, with evidence of a battle between them and some other force of many-legged creatures. Deeper into the southwestern areas of the level, the party found an elaborate laboratory: great glass vessels full of mundane and magical beasts being altered by some kind of blue fluid, cast-off bodies with skulls oozing the same blue ichor, and a ritual circle with the unfortunate victims of magical sacrifices -- including a slowly regenerating troll, pained by mutilations to the point of burning anger. He could tell them little, beyond the savage nature of the attack, and the existence of a trap-door passage leading to the lower level somewhere beyond the flooded hallways.
Surprise! No one expects the cthulhu-lobster inquisition!

Returning throuth the lab, the vanguard encountered a chuul, a huge sentient crustacean patrolling on behalf of some greater master. The creature put up a dreadful fight before being subdued. Beyond that, the party found a pack of hellhounds guarding the private chambers of a disagreeable stone giant. After a short struggle, the party secured the area and sent Shayna down the verticle shaft to investigate.

Meanwhile, the two lizardmen met numerous guardians along the way forward: a wyvern, another intellect devourer, and a partially flooded chamber populated by nasty little leeches. After nearly perishing, the two retreated to the sealed shrine of an idol depicting some kind of betentacled fish-monster flailing a throng of miserable humans. There they waited... until the serendipitous arrival of Shayna from above!

  • Edward (run with it) Sir Dame Winsley, 5th-level dandy mystic (Andrew)
    • Jeeves, 1st-level butler-paladin
    • Zelmar
    • Anatolia
  • Frigodria Dawnbringer, 5th-level paladin (Reba)
  • Insanely OP flaming slayer demigod (Kyle)
  • Grurdev Onyxvault, 5th-level dwarven lightbearer (Sion)
    • Need to check about henchmen here also (two, I think)...
  • Thrassian witch (Will)
  • Viserion, 5th-level young white dragon (Zac)
    • Adonirim, 3rd-level mage
  • Shayna, 6th-level shaman (Kim)
  • Ur khla lu khbea, 4th-level gladiator (Jonathan)
Mercenaries and followers:
  • Aksel Steelheart, 9th-level vaultlord
  • 10 dwarven lieutenants:
    • 4 5th-level vaultguards
    • 3 4th-level vaultguards
    • 2 3rd-level vaultgaurds
    • 2nd-level vaultguard
  • 18 fire dwarf infantry
  • ~ 90 light-infantry pirate survivors from the defeat of the Charybdis crew in the Saberstrath campaign
Not appearing in this adventure, but potentially available now that everyone is back in the area:
  • Saltbeard (Trefor)
  • The very young white dragon, Namazu, reporting back on the frost giants
  • Sir Rock Boulder Fist, dwarven 5th-level summoner
  • Sir Robin
Retiring, unless they somehow resurface:
  • Zalgesh
  • Jarrus Velt, 5th-level thief
  • Thorvald, 6th-level spy (Zac's Mom's PC, not a henchman)
  • Togast, 6th-level skinscribe (Juston is happily married)
  • Tu'a'than, 5th level spriggan

Will's Thrassian, badly drained by a persistent leech

To be continued, treasure/experience when you're finally out...