The last session ended with some dissatisfaction that I hadn't revealed that dark elves can detect magic at will. Although this is a common enough spell that you just need to expect it almost anywhere you go, I figure it's worth putting up some common information about Drow (in this case, modeled after the original Gygaxian presentation) as localized to the Green Pass setting.
The underground citadel of Emru-Marol, Gateway of the Shackled Passage, is the primary trade hub connecting caravans from the pirate states of the Larcenous Coast that pass into the Undying Lands beyond the mountains. The city is cosmopolitan in its population (beastmen, underworld fiends, and even more otherworldly types), but local political and civil functions are dominated by the noble houses of the dark
elves, the Drow.
All Drow classes have the following racial abilities:
- Drow add +2 to their own surprise rolls when underground (they are wary and normally be surprised).
- Drow are highly resistant to magic. They have a +2 bonus to all saves vs spells, and have additional magical resistance of 50% + 2% per level.
- Drow are sensitive to bright light. In sunlight, a light spell, or any similarly bright illumination, they suffer a -2 to attacks and saving throws (replacing the usual bonus). Their realm is enchanted to ward against bright lights.
- All Drow can cast the following spells once per day: faerie fire, darkness.
- At 5th level and above, they gain detect good/evil, detect magic, and levitate, once per day.
- Female Drow can also cast dispel magic and clairvoyance once per day.
- They have superior visual acuity extending into both the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum. Their realms are dim and shadowy in visible light, but glow continually in these extended spectral ranges. Creatures with only infravision perceive their cities in a hellish red-oranges. Ultravision reveals brilliant iridescent shades of green and purple.
- They have all the stonecraft and dungeon detection traits of both dwarves and elves.
Drow gear is also potent:
- They wear spider silk cloaks and boots that make them virtually invisible and silent, allowing them to surprise opponents on a 1-5 out of 6.
- They coat their missiles (crossbow bolts and javelins) with sleeping poison (save at -4, or sleep for ½ to 2 hours). Drow are themselves immune to this poison.
- Drow items are often powerful but are enchanted to function only in their dark realm. If brought to the surface they will decay in the sun. Even if kept in the dark, they will permanently be reduced to mundane items within a month.
Noble Drow classes include the following variants on the elven courtier class:
- Drow House Priestess (as elven courtier, but cast as full clerics, not ½-level mages)
- Drow Arcanist (as elven courtier, but cast as full level mages)
House Priestesses are always female, and Arcanists are always male. Commoner female Drow are often fighters. Commoner male Drow may be either fighters or (more rarely) spellswords.
Travelers from the east will need to clear a security checkpoint before boarding the Block Lift. The Lift is a solid hollow cube of granite which rises and descends through its shaft by magical means. The checkpoint is garrisoned by dark elven patrols. They enforce a strict limit on the use of the elevator, allowing only six passengers at once. Additional passengers can be transported only after being chained by the wrists to shackles set into the wall which immobilize hands behind the back. (The Drow are very paranoid about slave insurrections, and so insist that transported captives be restrained whenever being transported.) If more than six caravan members wish to enter unchained, they must make multiple trips. This occupancy limit is enforced by rune wards, so even the current garrison commandant cannot negate it.
The Drow are very hostile toward surface elves, and look suspiciously on followers of any Lawful faith, especially clerics of the monotheistic faith of Durnovar and any of the dwarven/barbarian gods (Thor, Odin, Freya, etc). Drow have “detect good” as a racial at-will ability, making it difficult to conceal such allegiances. Such persons will not be allowed to enter the city except as restrained and disarmed captives in shackles. If surface elves or Lawful heroes (paladins, bladedancers, etc) are freely part of a caravan group, that group will suffer a negative reaction penalty that will make it likely that they will be arrested or attacked.
Rather than kill intruders, Drow will almost invariably attempt to capture them using their spells and poisons. High-level captives are valued as potential sacrifices to their goddess, the Spider Queen, and hardworking dwarves and gnomes are coveted as slaves. Even ordinary captives are often used for recreational torture, or fed to prized pet spiders (who like their meat fresh!)