Saturday, July 16, 2016

Green Pass Campaign IIIb, Session 15: Murdersquatters on the Doorstep

October 4-5, Caudex Annales, 70 AUP
The party recuperated for a week at the watchtower, then headed back to the trail and turned north toward the pirate camp at the northwest end of the valley -- the same one that had been signaled by the tower. Wild animals prowling during the night were repulsed by the army of skeletons.

Upon arrival they found the pirates girded for battle behind a wooden palisade wall. The pirates sued for parley, and managed to coax a delegation of party members (basically, everyone but Herabrin, Kilor, and Sky) to join them inside the keep for a fine feast of rum, salt pork, rum, hard tack, rum, scurvy-prevention oranges, the tears of freshly-flogged captives, and punch. ("What kind of punch? Rum punch?" "No, this kind of punch." *pow*)

During the dinner, a certain air of tension was detected between the drow and the pirates, which the party elected to magnify by insulting the drow. The pirates were thrilled at the prospect of strangers making trouble with the haughty dark elves, and laughed and jeered at the jibes. Infuriated, the priestess demanded the right of satisfaction by combat.

The party quickly obliged, setting up a nearly all-reptilian squad of three saurians and a small white dragon. The priestess was lucky enough to freeze half the party with a quick hold person spell, but then the dragon neatly polished off her guards in retaliation with a blast of ice crystals. The remaining party members slowly chipped away at the house priestess through her armor until she dropped. The remaining drow fled, hiding in their tents. The pirates, satisfied that they had found a set of new stronger allies, immediately turned against the drow (the party set a bounty for their capture) and began to recommend potential targets (mostly their business rivals) in the region for the party to eliminate.

  • Zegzinu (2 henchlizards)
  • Conan the Librarian
  • Zelmar the Fright Knight
  • Talyn, another lizard
  • Sky the archer
  • Skittles, yet another lizard
  • Kilor Graniteback, Dwarven Machinist
  • Shiek, Thrassian Assassian  Thrassin Assassin Thrashin' Assassin
  • Herabrin and his scads of spooky scary skeletons
  • The very young white dragon, Namazu

Treasure and Experience

Coins: - [=>  0 gp]
Gems/Jewelry: - [=> 0 gp]
Trade goods: - [=> 0 gp]
Magical items: -

Total nonmagical treasure value: 0 gp
Shares: 12
Gold per share: 0 gp

Killed: 7th-level House Despana priestess [1840 xp], drow 5th-level lieutenant [500 xp], 3 drow 3rd-level fighters [240 xp]
Freaked out by dancing skeletons: 2 grizzly bears [400 xp]
Manipulated: pirate king [1000 xp], 8 pirate lieutenants [1120 xp], 280 pirates [2800 xp]

Miles traveled: 40 [460 xp]

Total experience from treasure: 0 xp
Total experience from kills: 7900 xp
Total experience from exploration: 460 xp
Total experience: 8360 xp
Total experience per member: 697 xp

(Note: Henchlizards get half-shares of treasure and experience. Namazu takes a full share, because dragon.)

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