Saturday, June 17, 2017

Saberstrath Campaign, Session 3: The Hell Out O' Dodge

October 24 - November 4, Caudex Annales, 70 AUP

The party decided the flee the valley. Everyone back at the tower formed into a giant caravan and set off for the tunnel. At the tunnel, the occupying skeleton crew constructed traps to slow down any pursuing drow.

The caravan descended through the mountains, avoiding encounters and keeping to the path, in the interest of getting to civilization before everyone starved to death. Reaching the forest beyond, they parlayed with a group of novice adventurers to learn the locations of the nearest village and city. They went to the village of Mitterfels first, to get some emergency rations, and then moved on to the fortified city of Hemmelmark.

Along the way they beat up some chimeras and a ton of ogres. Actually about 10 tons of ogres, if I'm estimating their mass correctly.

  • Zelmar Krackiss, 5th level fright knight
  • Viserion, 3rd level (4 HD) white dragon
  • The very young white dragon, Namazu
  • Oin "Dirtface" Orinson, 5th level dwarven sapper
  • Frigodria, 5th level paladin
  • Sir Robin Silverblade, 5th level spellsword
  • Tu'a'than, 5th level spriggan
Note: The "old" characters (including Conan, Zeggzinu, D, etc) are officially along as well in an emeritus capacity, but didn't participate in battles and won't get a share of treasure/experience. At this point I'm assuming they'll return to civilization and make their own way in the world.


No party members, although a number of the NPC civilians rescued from the pirates did starve to death

Ogre sacks containing 18,300 gold pieces

Seriously, wandering ogres have massive amounts of gold. The rules state that every ogre carries a sack with 1d6x100 gp at all times.

They're like mobile atms. That smell terrible.
Total gold per member: 2614 gp


Killed: 3 chimeras [3x1300 xp = 3900], ogre chieftain [600 xp], 4 ogre sub-chiefs [4x380 = 1520 xp], 7 ogre champions [7x260 = 1820 xp], 33 ogres [33x140 = 4230 xp]
Total: 12,070 xp

Explored: 84 miles [84x11.5 = 966 xp]

Total experience from treasure: 18,300 xp
Total experience from kills: 12,070
Total experience from exploration: 966 xp
Bonus experience for rescuing 117/195 civilians: 585 xp
Total experience: 31,921 xp
Total experience per member: 4560 xp

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