Description: Basically medieval Catholicism with the serial numbers filed off. Formally monotheistic, though with the usual assortment of celebrated angels and saints who have their own private cults (which the Archbishop of Durnovar grudgingly tolerates).
Alignment: Lawful (with some neutral adherents)
Popular Saints and Angels: St Michael, St Raphael, St Gabriel, St George, St Brendan, St Martin, and inevitably, St Cuthbert
Common Classes: Cleric, Wonderworker, Paladin, and a few fighting Mystics
Enemies: Pretty much any religions that follow other gods, but especially cults. More liberal members might argue that the more benevolent gods of the old pantheons are "angels freelancing under different names" -- but you wouldn't want to say that in front of the Archbishop.
Old Faiths

Alignment: Neutral (with some lawful adherents)
Popular Gods:
Common Classes: Priestess, Shaman, non-chthonic Witch, Bladedancer, and any divine Dwarven or Elven classes
Enemies: The Church of Durnovar (which wants to absorb/replace them), other pantheons, and underworld gods within the same pantheon

Alignment: Chaotic
Popular Gods: Tiamat, Orcus, Sutekh, Nergal, Demogorgon (all in their classic D&D incarnations, not their more nuanced real-world ones)
Common Classes: Anti-Paladin, chthonic Witch, plus evil versions of any standard divine class (usually casting reversed versions of healing/buffing spells)
Enemies: Pretty much everyone, but especially rival cults (hey, that's chaos for you!)
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