After some new arrivals and departures, the modified expedition roster now included:
- Zegzinu (and 3 henchlizards)
- D
- Bar Helm
- Boudica
- Aeryn
- Conan
- Bob the
ExplorerWolfman (inactive) - Grimdark (inactive)
- Lavi (inactive)
- and Zelmar Krackiss, a mysterious stranger who is (spoiler alert) a disguised Fright Knight in human guise
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Greater Hellhound (Dave Allsop) |
Torn between investigating the dragon-infested pirate treasure trove and the mysterious tower, the party eventually settled on scouting the tower first. An attempt to camp overnight below the tower attracted the attention of a disciplined group of greater hellhounds which staked out the top of the cliff several hundred feet above the campsite. Scouting by wing (Zelmar) and spider-crawl (Boudica) revealed that the tower itself was patrolled by guards, and the hellhounds seemed to be reporting back to it periodically.
In accordance with the longstanding party practice of throwing the element of surprise to the wind in favor of issuing ambiguous threats, the party decided to brutally murder the captured pirate captain and drop his corpse on the tower doorstep, while under the cover of invisibility. The hellhounds, being undeceived by invisibility, barked up a firestorm that resulted in a volley of angry arrows and doubled security details for the tower.
Unwilling to attempt to scale the sheer cliff under the scrutiny of a fiendish welcoming committee, the party instead retreated back down the river tower the path, with vague ideas of tricking/convincing the white dragonlings into helping them.
On the way down, they encountered a supply caravan of over sixty guards transporting several weeks worth of supplies (read: booze). Being outnumbered by only six to one, the party decided to charge suicidally into battle.
The lizards took the brunt of the damage without complaint during the initial charge, but then the guards began swarming around the outside of the formation, flanking into the rear. By the time the officers had been eliminated, both Bar Helm and Aeryn had been overwhelmed, and only sanctuary prevented the same fate from befalling Conan and Boudica.
After forcing the surrender of the caravan, the party decided to turn around yet again, this time relying on stealth and deception. Everyone hid in the covered carts, with the sole surviving lieutenant nervously continuing back to the cliff where (according to his description) the entire caravan would be drawn up the cliff face using a giant mechanical winch, one cart at a time.
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Not to be confused with a wench! |
Bar Helm, spine broken at the neck by guards;
Aeryn, damaged knee (carrying capacity reduced by 6, cannot force march);
...and Bob is quietly succumbing to lycanthropy, not that anyone has noticed.
Treasure and Experience
Coins: 8000 electrum, 11,000 silver (=> 5100 gp)
Gems/Jewelry: 19 gems, 9 jewelry (=> 1814 gp)
Trade Goods: 1 crate sprite wings, 3 crates armor/weapons, 4 crates pottery, 33 bottles of fine wine, 5 barrels liquor, 1 jar dye, 4 jars lamp oil, 12 rolls cloth, 37 animal horns, 2 teabags (3014 gp)
Magical items: shield +2, sword +2, oil of sharpness (+1 to weapon, lasts 8 hours), wand of device negation (prevent use of one other wand/staff/rod for one round), ring of water walking
Unidentified items: suit of chain mail, wand, sword, bolt case with 9 bolts, 2 potions, 2 scrolls
Total nonmagical treasure value: 9928 gp
Shares: 7 + 3*1/2 = 8.5
Gold per share: 1168 gp (all as electrum/silver/jewelry)
Killed: 1 5th-level captain (200 xp), 6 3rd-level lieutenants (300 xp), 5 1st-level guards (50 xp)
Surrendered: 55 1st-level guards (550 xp)
Total experience from treasure: 9928 xp
Total experience from kills: 1100 xp
Total experience from exploration: 0
Total experience: 11028
Total experience per member: 1297 xp
(Note: Henchlizards get half-shares of treasure and experience.)
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